Why Focusing on Yourself First Can Save Your Relationship: The Surprising Benefits of Individual Therapy part 1

How working on your personal growth can lead to a healthier, happier partnership—starting with YOU!

From your RAFT Counseling Team

Let’s be real—relationships are wonderful, but they can also be hard work! Whether it’s communication issues, emotional distance, or the everyday stressors of life, navigating challenges with your partner can sometimes feel overwhelming. So, what do you do when things get tricky, but your couples therapist’s schedule is booked solid? The answer might surprise you: individual therapy!

At RAFT Counseling, we specialize in helping people who are struggling with anxiety, depression, and trauma, and we’ve seen firsthand how these issues can impact relationships. While couples therapy is fantastic for tackling relationship issues head-on, starting with individual therapy has its own unique benefits. Here’s why focusing on yourself first can actually boost your relationship!

Discover the Power of Self-Awareness

In a relationship, it’s easy to get stuck in patterns of blame or frustration—where each partner focuses on what the other is doing wrong. Individual therapy allows you to break this cycle by taking a step back and looking inward. You’ll have the chance to reflect on your thoughts, behaviors, and emotional triggers, gaining valuable insight into why you react the way you do in certain situations.

This kind of self-awareness is crucial because it uncovers the deeper issues at play. For example, are you reacting defensively in arguments because of past hurts? Do you find it hard to communicate your needs because of anxiety or self-doubt? By exploring these questions in individual therapy, you can begin to understand how your personal history and mental health affect your current relationship.

Self-awareness also helps you see the patterns you may unconsciously be contributing to—whether that’s being overly critical, withdrawing when things get tough, or expecting your partner to fulfill unmet emotional needs. Recognizing these patterns empowers you to make changes that not only improve your well-being but also positively shift the dynamics in your relationship. And the bonus? The better you understand yourself, the better equipped you are to understand your partner.

Individual therapy lays the foundation for deeper empathy, improved communication, and a healthier partnership. When you start with yourself, you’re taking the first and most important step toward building a stronger, more fulfilling relationship.

Sharpen Your Emotional Regulation Skills

Let’s face it, relationships can stir up all kinds of emotions—some wonderful, others not so much. When conflict arises, it’s easy for feelings like anger, frustration, or anxiety to take over, and that’s when things can spiral out of control. If you or your partner often feel overwhelmed by these emotions, individual therapy is an excellent space to work through them without the pressure of navigating a heated conversation in the moment.
In individual therapy, you can explore the root causes of your emotional reactions. Are you quick to anger because of unresolved past pain? Do you shut down or withdraw when overwhelmed by anxiety or fear of rejection? By digging into these emotions with a therapist, you can start to unpack and understand them, which is the first step in gaining control over them.

Emotional regulation isn’t about suppressing or avoiding feelings; it’s about learning how to experience emotions without letting them dominate your actions. Individual therapy equips you with tools to manage strong emotions, like mindfulness techniques, breathing exercises, or reframing negative thoughts. As you build these emotional regulation skills, you’ll be able to approach relationship challenges from a much calmer, more centered place. This can significantly change how conflicts are resolved—leading to fewer arguments and more productive, meaningful conversations.

When you’re in control of your emotional responses, you create a safe environment for both you and your partner to express yourselves openly. It allows for healthier communication, and you’ll notice that once emotions are regulated, your ability to problem-solve as a team improves drastically. The calmer you are, the better your relationship thrives!

Take Ownership of Your Role in the Relationship

No one is perfect, right? We all have areas we need to work on. The beauty of individual therapy is that it provides a safe, non-judgmental space where you can take an honest look at how your own actions, thoughts, and feelings are affecting your relationship. This self-reflection can be incredibly powerful in uncovering patterns of behavior that you might not even realize are there. For example, are you unknowingly repeating certain unhealthy habits, like shutting down emotionally or reacting defensively? Are you carrying old wounds from past relationships or traumas into your current partnership?

When you identify these patterns, you’re in a position to take ownership of them. It’s not about blame—either for yourself or your partner—but about recognizing what’s within your control to change. Taking responsibility for your own part in the relationship dynamic can be empowering. Maybe it’s adjusting how you communicate, setting healthier boundaries, or learning to trust more. When one person in a relationship starts making positive changes, it often inspires the other to do the same. This ripple effect can shift the entire dynamic in a healthier, more fulfilling direction, even if only one person is actively in therapy.

The cool part? When you begin to own your role in the relationship, it builds a stronger foundation of trust and accountability. It shows your partner that you’re committed to growth, which can encourage deeper connection and mutual respect.

Strengthen Your Sense of Self

In a relationship, it’s easy to get swept up in the needs, wants, and desires of your partner or the relationship as a whole. Over time, you might lose touch with your own individual identity—your personal goals, passions, or even your sense of independence. That’s where individual therapy comes in. It’s a place for you to reconnect with yourself and rediscover who you are outside of the relationship.

By focusing on your own growth and well-being, you’re not just improving yourself; you’re also setting the stage for a healthier, more balanced partnership. Individual therapy helps you identify your core values, aspirations, and needs—things that might have been neglected while focusing on the relationship. When you’re more in tune with who you are and what you want from life, you become a stronger, more fulfilled individual.
And here’s the best part: The stronger you are as an individual, the more you have to bring to your relationship. When both partners maintain a healthy sense of self, they’re able to support each other without becoming overly dependent or losing their individuality. By nurturing your own happiness and fulfillment, you create a space where both you and your partner can thrive—both together and independently.

So, by strengthening your sense of self, you’re not just improving your personal well-being; you’re also building the foundation for a more enriching, sustainable relationship.

Your Journey to a Healthier Relationship Starts with You

At RAFT Counseling, we know that personal growth often leads to relational growth. While couples therapy can be incredibly effective, individual therapy is often the first step toward creating lasting change. If you’re dealing with anxiety, depression, or trauma that’s affecting your relationship, we’re here to support you on your personal journey to healing and growth.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of this series, How Individual Therapy Can Strengthen Your Relationship from the Inside Out, where we’ll dive deeper into how individual therapy can prepare you for couples therapy and why taking care of yourself first is a powerful step toward relationship harmony. If you’re looking for support and in Colorado, we offer in office sessions in Parker and online counseling throughout the state and we would love to partner with you! - Contact us to get started!

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